THL/7274/2.02.06/2024 / Analgesics and anesthetics for systemic use
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THL/7274/2.02.06/2024 / Analgesics and anesthetics for systemic use
Kilpailu [TED eF[16]]
Kysymysten jätön määräaika
Tarjousten määräaika
Terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin laitos
Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare, later referred to as THL or Customer, request your tender for "Analgesics and anesthetics for systemic use" to the rescEU Medical -project. The Scope of procurement is described in more detail in Annex 1.
The procurement is divided in five (5) lots. Each product constitutes a separate lot. Tender may be submitted for one or several lots.
LOT 1: Fentanyl citrate 50 mcg/ml (10 ml per vial/ampoule, i.v. ATC N01AH01)
LOT 2: Haloperidol 5 mg/ml (1 ml per vial/ampoule, i.m. ATC N05AD01)
LOT 3: Midazolam hydrochlorid 5 mg/ml (10 ml per vial/ampoule, i.v. ATC N05CD08)
LOT 4: Glycopyrrhonium/neostigmin 0,5/2,5 mg/ml (1 ml per vial/ampoule i.v. ATC N07AA51)
LOT 5: Oxycodon hydrochlorid 20 mg (prolonged-release capsule/tablet, ATC N02AA05)
The minimum requirements for the products is described in Annex 1.1.
The Contract will be awarded to one Supplier for each lot based on a comparison of tenders. Tender that is economically the most advantageous will win the competition.
The contract period shall enter into force once the Contract has been signed by contracting parties and expires when all contractual duties of the Contract have been performed.
Quantity for the products is described in Annex 7 (restricted to security classification level IV, TL IV). In addition to the quantity indicated in the Annex 7, the Customer is entitled to purchase 100 % extra to the quantities (later referred as "Option"). The Supplier is not obliged to deliver the products under the Option.
Please note that all times given in the Call for tenders refer to local time in Finland.
Call for tenders, Annexes:
Annex 1 Scope of the procurement
Annex 1.1 Minimum requirements
Annex 2 Description of the rotation
Annex 2.1 Quality scoring table
Annex 3 Contract
Annex 4 Security annex
Annex 5 JYSE 2014 SUPPLIES (updated version of April 2022)
Annex 6 Confidentiality commitment
Annex 7 Quantity of the Articles (restricted, TL IV)
Please note that the numbering of the annexes differs between the Contract and the Call for tenders. The numbering of the Annexes to the Contract is based on the order of precedence applied in the Contract.