
Through this service, SEAS-NVE Service A/S informs the ongoing call for tenders and suppliers can submit their tenders electronically.

The existing call for tenders can be viewed without an account in Calls for tenders -section. Without an account you can see name of the call for tender, description and the tender deadline.

When you register for the service, you can download the call for tender to your computer and it's related documents, submit questions and read their answers and submit a tender electronically. Registration is free of charge and you receive your password immediately upon registration.

If you want to provide feedback on the service or you want to ask about the use of the service, please contact the email address at the bottom of the page.


Käyttökatko Tarjouspalvelussa 24.2.2025 klo 17.00 - 18.00

Tarjouspalvelussa on päivityksestä johtuva käyttökatko maanantaina 24.2.2025 klo 17.00 - 18.00. Kyseisenä aikana järjestelmässä esiintyy katkoksia.
