HUS 746-2023 / REQUEST FOR INFORMATION: ADAMTS13 Activity (P -ADAM13) Analysis


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HUS 746-2023 / REQUEST FOR INFORMATION: ADAMTS13 Activity (P -ADAM13) Analysis
Suunnittelu [TED eF[4]]
15.11.2024 14:04 (UTC+02:00)
The purpose of this information request is to investigate questions and cost estimates related to plasma P -ADAM13 analysis (ADAMTS13 activity, a disintegrin and metalloproteinase with a thrombospondin type 1 motif, member 13). The goal is to gather comprehensive information about available reagents and equipment (accessories, maintenance) to facilitate a potential future tender in the most appropriate manner.
This document is not a procurement notice or a request for tender but a detailed market survey, i.e., an information request. The contracting authority is not committed to procuring the mentioned analysis. Decisions on initiating a potential procurement process will be made later after the market survey.
HUS Group (HUS) is the joint authority for Helsinki and Uusimaa, as referred to in the Act on Wellbeing Services Counties. It is tasked with providing its members and their residents with specialised healthcare services.
More information about the procurement authority can be found in the "Other information" section.
HUS Diagnostic Center’s Clinical Chemistry is exploring options for performing ADAMTS13 activity (ADAM13) analysis for future procurement. ADAM13 analysis is performed as an emergency test 24/7 at the HUS Diagnostic Center’s Automation Laboratory in the HUSLAB building in Helsinki. The procurement may include the device, maintenance contracts, reagents, device-specific accessories, and all other consumables and items needed to produce the mentioned analysis. The analysis is primarily intended to be performed as a random access-based assay. However, information is requested on all options for performing ADAM13 analysis for which the reagent supplier has a ready protocol.
The procurement may include, if necessary:
• CE-marked reagents including controls and calibrators and device-specific accessories, possible analyzers with software, periodic maintenance, necessary spare parts and
accessories, technical support, possible software updates (maintenance contract if necessary), and product training if needed.
• Necessary workstations and software and connections to the LIS interface must be available.
We inquire about your views on the following matters:
• Are you interested in offering? We ask you to present your views on the implementation options of the project.
• Would you like to give a 60-minute Teams presentation of your solution proposal, which will be recorded for internal use by the HUS Diagnostic Center?
• Preliminary price information
• Describe your company’s experience in providing the services in question. We ask you to state how many references and what kind of references you have for providing
services corresponding to the subject of the procurement.
• We ask you to state a reference from a clinical laboratory where the offered analysis is in use in the European Economic Area (EEA).
• How many similar devices have been installed in clinical laboratories in the EEA in the last five years?
• Is there a service engineer for the offered analysis/device in Finland? What are the service response times?
• Warranty and delivery times for devices and accessories?
• Is your assay’s result level traceable to a standard?
• What is the country of origin of your products?
The response to this request for information should include replies to the above questions.
Answers to questions should be submitted by 27.11.2024 at the latest to the email address: [email protected]. The title or message field of the e-mail should mention: HUS 746-2023 ADAMTS13 Activity (P -ADAM13) Analysis.
The costs associated with responding to a request for information are borne by the respondent, and HUS does not pay compensation for responding to a request for information or participating the procurement procedure.