522405 / High-speed Super-resolution Light Microscope with Structured Illumination (SIM) and Single Molecule Localization (SMLM)

Määräaika: 2.10.2024 14:00 (UTC+03:00)


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522405 / High-speed Super-resolution Light Microscope with Structured Illumination (SIM) and Single Molecule Localization (SMLM)
Kilpailu [TED eF[16]]
30.8.2024 15:28 (UTC+03:00)
Kysymysten jätön määräaika
20.9.2024 12:00 (UTC+03:00)
Tarjousten määräaika
2.10.2024 14:00 (UTC+03:00)
Helsingin yliopisto
We ask tenders for advanced super-resolution light microscopy system capable of sub-diffraction limited high-dynamic imaging of live samples in 3D. System must have both Structured Illumination Microscopy (SIM) and Total Internal Reflection (TIRF)/ Single Molecule Localization Microscopy (SMLM) modalities. Instrumentation will be acquired to the Biomedicum Imaging Unit, imaging core facility within the University of Helsinki.
Maximum price of system is 755 000 € (VAT 0 %), including shipping, installation, user training, and insurance until final acceptance of instrument.
System must be delivered and installed within 14 weeks from purchase order date.
In addition, we ask annual preventative maintenance contract for total 5 years after warranty period as an option.
Price per year after warranty period shall be indicated and total price over five years given (for the evaluation). The buyer reserves the right to decide at the end of each yearly period whether to accept the option of continuing the service contract for another year (up to maximum five years) at tendered price.