HANSEL PJ 00698 / Charter Flights 2025-2028 (2029)


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HANSEL PJ 00698 / Charter Flights 2025-2028 (2029)
Suunnittelu [TED eF[4]]
16.12.2024 16:43 (UTC+02:00)
Hansel Oy
Hansel is planning a procurement of charter fights with small business aircraft and large passenger aircraft for passengers and with cargo aircraft for cargo. The charter flights are to be flown in accordance with customer-specific destinations and customer-specific timetables. Flights may be regular or non-recurring. This procurement does not cover air transport services provided with helicopters.
The call for tenders will be divided into lots during the preparation.
Hansel plans to require the chosen suppliers to have Finnish-speaking customer service.
The goal is for the contract period to be three (3) years, with the possibility of extending the contract by a one-year option period.
Please note that this is a prior information notice (hereinafter "notice") and that this notice is not yet a call for tenders. The information provided in this notice is preliminary and may change during the preparation.
Interested companies are invited to send their contact details by e-mail to [email protected] with the subject line "Hansel: Charter Flights - Registration".
The personal data of the registered persons will only be used for contacts related to this upcoming procurement.
Companies that register by 12th January 2025 will be given the opportunity to participate in individual meetings with Hansel. The first meetings will be held via Teams, approximately during week 4/2025. Meeting times will be arranged by email after the company has expressed its interest according to the instructions of this notice.
In addition, Hansel will send draft version of the call for tenders and its appendices to registered companies, approximately in the beginning of February. Registered companies are given the opportunity to comment on the draft version in writing.
Participating or not participating in the market dialogue does not prevent participation in the upcoming procurement procedure.