524184 / System for receiving and processing marketing authorisation applications for medical products


Kaikkien tietojen näyttäminen vaatii rekisteröitymisen ja kirjautumisen palveluun.
524184 / System for receiving and processing marketing authorisation applications for medical products
Suunnittelu [TED eF[4]]
30.8.2024 12:56 (UTC+03:00)
Lääkealan turvallisuus- ja kehittämiskeskus Fimea
The Finnish Medicines Agency Fimea (later Fimea) is preparing the procurement of a system for receiving and processing marketing authorisation applications for medical products.
Fimea is primarily looking for a software as a service off-the shelf solution that is provided from public cloud. The system shall enable the necessary integrations with Fimea's other systems, which will be defined later.
The procurement will also include support and maintenance services for the system to be procured.
In addition, Fimea is interested in acquiring a system for clinical trials as a part of this procurement (more information on this will be given later).
The purpose of this request for information is to identify potential tenderers and to get an idea of the solutions available on the market. After the market dialogue, a call for tenders for the procurement will be prepared.